Vailsburg Bicycle Track
South Orange Avenue & S. Munn Avenue
1896 - 1907 (as a bicycle track)

Newspaper Articles
June 1, 1897 - Interesting
Racing at Vailsburg
August 21, 1899 - Fast
Races at Vailsburg
July 23, 1900 - Riot
at Vailsburg Track
June 17, 1901 - Racers
Collide with Track Official
July 8, 1901 - New
World's Cycling Records
August 12, 1901 - Cycle
Racer Collapses
February 9, 1902 - Receiver
Asked for Vailsburg Track
July 28, 1902 - Cycle
Records Reduced
September 28, 1902 - Pastime
Wins Banner
May 3, 1903 - Champion
Frank Kramer and George Glasson in a Work-Out
May 31, 1903 - Vailsburg
Track Opened
February 16, 1904 - Flames
at Vailsburg Track
September 12, 1904 - New
Cycle Record Made by Kramer
April 3, 1905 - Cycling
Season Opens at Vailsburg Track
May 31, 1905 - Cycling
Prizes Withheld